This week, Helena and Natasha try to keep a lid on their exuberant feelings for La La Land, whilst also giving their two cents on the next Bond (Keira Knightley is a dead cert), discussing Woody Harrelson’s latest venture and being happily reminded that James Marsden still exists.

Hey girls,
I’m from Macau China, just wanted to say I really enjoyed your podcast!!
I will keep on listening!!
I get the singing in the Rain La la land comparison and I do have a bitter sweet love for lala land because It was a bit of a slap in the face ending and that makes the difference because It show’s us that it is not all a bed of roses like all other movies makes us feel, the magic and romantic is not an easy thing to achieve, and they did a good job showing us the reality 🙂
I found you guys because I try to follow every UCL things, one of you said you have no dreams….I don’t believe you :p You just don’t know it yet!
Mine Is to go to LA to UCL…wish me luck:)
Keep it up!!!loved the Pod cast
Thanks very much for your comment Joana. I’ve only just spotted it. Please keep on listening, and we’ll be returning soon. All the Best.