Today’s Extraordinary Yellow Sky and 11 Films It Reminded Us Of

FilmSoc’s Screenings Producer Sarah Saraj reflects on today’s weather phenomenon.

The sky today was pretty incredible. It got a lot of us feeling like we were in a film. In fact, it reminded us of many films shrouded in memorably sepia-coloured hues. I guess life really does imitate art. Here are some films with the dreamiest of amber skies that we believe we may have been living in today:

1. Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Is all of this yellow sky business just promotion for Villeneuve’s new blockbuster? Are we all being duped? Is this some elaborate Hollywood novelty trick plaguing the entirety of England?

2.  Apocalypse Now (1979)

‘Is the Apocalypse literally now?’ I ask myself. Sure, the government wants us to think it’s all due to Hurricane Ophelia and Saharan dust but does anybody really buy that? Maybe our disgusting rate of pollution is finally catching up with us — I mean, it’s pretty hot for October. End of the world, global warming, or both?

3. The Wizard of Oz (1939)

This would corroborate my theory that we have been transported to a new, filmic world, namely the boring Sepia one Dorothy inhabited before she jumped ship to the glitz and glamour of Oz.

4. The Lion King (1994)

From the day we arrive on the planet,

And, blinking, step into the sun.

There’s more to see than can ever be seen,

More to do than can ever be done.

5. Life of Pi (2012)

Thank God books get made into films because how else would we have these dreamy visuals? This film literally made me want to get separated from my entire family and left for dead on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger, anyone else?

6. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

And who doesn’t love a vaguely problematic but highly praised classic? The weather today definitely made me feel like I was in the Middle East!

7. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

The idea that we are living in a United Kingdom on its way to becoming a post-apocalyptic wasteland, as featured in the 2015 return of George Miller’s Mad Max, is increasingly plausible.

8. Enemy (2013)

Another Villeneuve? Boy, did he know this was coming! But seriously, who feels like today was just one of those psychological-thriller days? I know I definitely hate Mondays.

9. Sicario (2015)

…Another Villenueve?!

10. Days of Heaven (1978)

Terrence Malick’s 1978 religious romantic drama is possibly the most beautiful film ever made. Evangelical and quasi-religious setting prevail in this absolute masterpiece.

11. The Yellow Sky (1949)

I guess when you type something into Google the internet will graciously impart its knowledge to accommodate you; Yellow Sky is the title of a 1948 Western. The film features a ghost town by the same name.

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