
The Documentaries strand of UCL Film & TV Society allows members of all abilities to create non-fiction films, work on videography projects in collaboration with other societies, and enjoy access to a range of documentary-focused events and screenings across London



Opportunities to work on documentary projects range from beginner roles on videography tasks, where specific crew positions can be practised, to intermediate roles on short, journalistic pieces, and the chance to have a more advanced role as the creative force behind one of our extended, termly documentaries.

FilmSoc Documentaries: Project Types


Short Docs/Projects

Term Docs

Good for beginners

Intermediate ability

Advanced ability

Event-focused tasks shot on location

Collaboration with other UCL societies

Apply with well-developed creative concept

Chance to learn specific crew roles/skillset Ranging from music videos to journalistic work

Produced and edited within a term

Videography opportunities will arise on a frequent case-by-case basis, so be sure to keep an eye on any available tasks, along with the workshops hosted by the society every week.

Short Docs/Projects will look for a slightly more committed and experienced crew to work on certain projects with UCL societies – look out for the chance to get your ideal role for a given project online.

Term Docs will begin with an application process to send in your creative idea and practical goals, before a project is selected and produced with support from Film Society. Look out for dates and deadlines on our Facebook group and page.

To stay up to date with each opportunity, connect with the Society online – join our Facebook group, like our Facebook page, and sign up to the Film Society newsletter here.



The FilmSoc Documentaries group on Facebook will also be the place to find updates on documentary events happening across London, from screenings to workshops.

The society’s screening programme offers free film events for members every week, including a documentary presence.